Building the Klondike Boat

May 25 - June 8: Framing and Backbone

Framing lumber: Results of sorting through Harry's stack of spruce for good stuff for the frames...
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First cut! Harry gets a start on ripping the framing lumber down to size. What - no whip saw here??
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First frame laid up on Harry's framing jig (May 25,2002). Frames are a stout 2" x 3" spruce.
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Nailing first frame on the jig
Completed strongback with first frame
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Measuring for the frame side bevel cuts on Harry's recently acquired heirloom Delta bandsaw, which he last saw his father running in 1956 - it did the job!
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Many hands make quick work
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Going 3D!! Building crew relaxes after mounting the first 3 frames. (June 7)
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Contact:  Fritz Funk (